My Month of Possessions!Ps16:6

Many say they are Christians, that they fear God but do not belong to any community.
They prefer to worship their God at home.
That there is too much church, everyone goes in there, nothing serious is there or they do not feel comfortable in some places maybe because of the crowd or the noises, may be because of lack of speech, may be because of the narrowness of the place …
We are looking for a normal church, shall we say.
What is true is that we do not find ourselves somewhere by chance, it is a need that brings us in general and that is why we must pray.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us into our land of blessing, where the true word of God is said.
Pray for God to stay in this place.
Pray for the church to first seek the kingdom of God.
That’s why it’s important to pray for his ministry, and that’s God’s instruction for us this morning
Pray for RMI
Daniel, 7:18 – but the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom, and they will inherit the kingdom forever, from eternity to eternity.
The verse informs us that only those who fear God will enjoy his inheritance, those who will act with firmness will enter the kingdom.
The kingdom is not for everyone, it is for the sons recognized by the father, it is for those who have the name of the father on their birth certificate.
The Lord knows them and calls them by name.
We must be serious in our churches, we must honor the great God we invite in our ministries.
We must love him and give him a place of distinction in our lives.
The purpose of a ministry is to build men of faith, the goal is to encourage members to support one another, it is to pray together, it is to stand out from others, it is to build our fortress spiritual.
By the way alone, we could not do what we can do together,
The Bible says that the testimony of two establishes a fact then as a ministry, pray for each department so that we remain attached to the Lord.
Pray for our shepherds, ask the eternal to fill them so that they continue to impact lives.
Pray for our brothers and sisters to participate in the growth of the ministry, to come forth to evangelize and feed lost souls.
A ministry is not the game, when God anoints a man in a place, he leaves his mark, his touch; then pray so that our ministries must be a reference, may they make the difference and everyone benefits. Let us put the talent God gave us in the service of the ministry.
Good morning family
Have a nice day.

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