My Month of Possessions!Ps16:6

Those who walk in holiness and honesty will not be confused. Those who do not have the fear of the Lord are often seduced and controlled because they seek their pleasure. Wherever the word of God is not valued, disorder is the order of the day. The Bible says that at the pronunciation of the name of Jesus, every knee bows, every language confesses. It means that the word of God is powerful, it is alive, it is effective. So the only way to resist the devil is that we are filled with Jesus. Many of us who open the door to the devil, we lie, we steal, we make false testimony, we cheat and we are in the church and we claim to love God and want him to bless us We made fakes a job. Whatever we need, we know who to call or which door to knock when it comes to the fake. This practice does not honor our God. Tired of seeing us go around in circles, tired of seeing us dragging loads that chained us and dragged us, here is the suggestion of the Lord, here is the point of view of God, here is the advice he gives us for free. 1 Thessalonians 4: 4 – that each one of you knows how to possess his body in holiness and honesty, Pray to prossess holiness and honor. Holiness is another dimension in a Christian life, it is breaking with the sin and desires of the world. It is to separate from everything with which we were bound to consecrate ourselves to the Lord. The Bible tells us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, it means that our body is inhabited by the presence of God, that’s why when we commit immodesty, we sin against our body, we undermine the holiness of God who is in us. We must keep our bodies pure, we must not in any case ruin and risk for nothing in the world our Christendom. We have seen churches and homes broken, they have paid dearly for their conquest of their heritage for a few moments pleasure. The Holy Spirit dwells in a holy place, to follow Jesus is to choose to offer him our bodies. The Bible tells us to be honest in everything, The word of God is like a mirror, James asks us to look into it and make the necessary changes. The Bible is offered to help us perfect ourselves. So let’s pray that the grace of God will lead us and will keep us going. Hello people of God Have a good day

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