My Month of Possessions!Ps16:6

Well, the world is going through difficult times, everything is dry, it feels like a desert. Everyone is fighting for food and something to drink.
Not easy to make ends meet.
Business is falling behind and God tells us about possessions, he tells us that he will restore our heritage.
And we wonder how will this be done?
Let us tell ourselves that the eternal is all-powerful, it is not like us, it is stronger than us, it knows more than us, it is good and more just than us.
He made his decision and he named this month of April, our month of Possessions.
Possessions = property, properties, wealth …
We all know that assets offer us quality privileges, they extend our limits, they contribute to our well-being.
The Lord knowing that we are all waiting for our inheritance, knowing that the issues will be tight and that some of us will end up in business or complicated positions, brings us into a text of his word,
Proverbs 13:11 – The ill-gotten wealth diminishes, but he who amasses it gradually increases it.
Pray not to be eager in acquiring rich.
A common adage supports the Lord’s instruction this morning.
* A badly acquired good never profits * it means to seize what does not belong to us, to do what is bad is not profitable.
This passage is about dishonest people who have enriched themselves by stealing the weak.
And we live this phenomenon every day in our lives, widows know something in Africa, the in-laws take advantage of the husband’s death to rob a family, property is diverted, everything is coveted, the will is even often changes . All this to enter into possession of things that do not belong to us.
I remember a mother who had a land problem after the death of her husband, she had approached a well-placed gentleman in whom she saw the honesty and integrity but in the end she lost her building well placed in the heart of the city, the gentleman coveted the inheritance left by the husband of this mother and he fooled him.
We also have youth who run, who want to arrive quickly and ultimately move rather than expected because she wants to live a temporary luxury.
It is no longer strange to live this kind of things but the word of God warns us and warns us that it does not advance us.
We often think we have won but when the judgment comes, it is the descent into hell.
The Lord therefore encourages us to go our way, to evolve according to his Word, to be hardworking to gain our proper wealth. It’s useless to run if we have to collapse in front and not be able to raise mone.
Let is press on Jesus and let him guide us to our heritage.
good morning brothers and sisters.
May the grace of the Lord helps us. Have a nice day.

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