My Month of Possessions!Ps16:6

The Bible says that in the beginning God created.
To create = to work = to work = to think …
God himself saw that there was something to do around him and he gave himself a goal, a goal to achieve:
Give shape and meaning to the earth.
The Bible says that it was when he was satisfied that he rested, he contemplated his work and he rejoiced, he was happy with his success.
Well, work is the plan of God, it is a blessing that generates wealth.
It is at the end of the effort and sacrifices that we can reach extraordinary achievements.
God wants us to be enterprising, that we are builders, we are called to work, he has not created us so that we are lazy rather for us to experience increase and multiplication, that we are blessed with the fruits of our efforts.
Many of us work or want to work to earn only money to live but we forget the joy and the sense of accomplishment it brings.
For us, it becomes normal that we do not see anymore that it is a blessing.
Work gives meaning to our lives, matures and flourishes.
What will our cities be if we did not have engineers? What will become of us if doctors do not exist? And every day we enjoy the fruits of their work.
Only, we can not accomplish anything, it takes a whole to realize a work.
Let’s look around, we will see that most unemployed people are bored, they are sad sometimes, go around in circles, depressed, they lose the taste for life.
Work is a good thing but only we work hard but we are not happy, we always have a feeling of dissatisfaction.
We do not feel whole perhaps because we do not like what we do, or we are not well paid.
We want more, we are talking about other things.
We work but we do not do anything about our wages, always a problem to be solved, an illness to treat, a mourning to manage …
We have no concretization, no realization, we are not different from people who do nothing of their life because we have no plan, we can not project ourselves.
We may have a paltry salary for some and good for others but making ends meet is always a nightmare.
There are people who have low wages but who are more organized and more concrete than those with high salaries.
They live better.
To enjoy the fruit of his work, we need Jesus to help us. The devil is there to steal if we don’t take caution. We will spend our lives wandering and in poverty.
And that is why the Lord tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:13 – but that if a man eats and drinks and enjoys well-being in the midst of all his work, it is a gift from God.
Ask the Lord to make you enjoy the fruit of your labor.
Hello home
May our Lord restore us.
Have a good day.

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