My Month of Wisdom ! Pr3:13

The wisdom that God gives and that we all want is a source of inspiration that even pastors must desire.
Leading a ministry is not for the foolish or the church is divided,
the members are scattered,
the altar is defiled.
Let no one say that men of God need not draw from this water because if they are not connected to go into deep water, the storm will splash them.
Can we imagine how delicate the servants are?
They have to consider sensitivities,
They have to smooth out the edges,
They have to be careful because the faithful are the champions of pushing their leaders into compromise, some members like the first places, they want to be seen as influential people in the house of God, they want to be able to impose their will on the pastors otherwise they threaten to leave where they are highlighted.
If our leaders are not warned, if they are not equipped enough to make the difference and refuse to function in vulgarity, they will be stripped of their grace.
So we must also pray for them, we must implore the blood of Jesus in their lives,
we must intercede for the Lord to be gracious to them,
we must invoke the army of God for their safety and finally,
we must ask the Lord for sharp discernment for them as vision bearers.
Let us pray for them,
Let us not let the enemy drain them,
Let us not let the world destroy our heritage.
Fast and pray for your pastors is our command.
Ephesians 1:18 – and may he enlighten the eyes of your heart, that you may know the hope that clings to his calling, the riches of the glory of his inheritance that he reserves for the saints,
Let us pray that the Lord will open the eyes of His anointed ones so that they will not be light, that they will understand spiritual values and that they will not only keep their eyes raised to the mountains but also trust fully in our God.
Wisdom Yaweh gives to the thirsty, the longing one.
May our leaders allow the Father to fill them for the glory of his name.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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