My Month Of Gifts! Ps37:4

One last Sunday,
A Sunday of celebration,
A Sunday of thanksgiving.
Lord, you speak to us of “giving”.
Before saying anything else, we humbly ask your forgiveness.
Forgiveness because we don’t know how to honour you with what we have,
Forgive us because our love for you stops at our tongue.
If, Father, you take the time to go back to giving, it’s because we’ve failed,
It’s because we continue to procrastinate,
It’s because we calculate.
If we give our tithe, we are no longer concerned with offerings,
If we give seed, we are no longer part of a collection.
We have reached a level of selfishness that we can no longer control.
We think it’s our efforts,
it’s our skills,
it’s our possessions and yet it’s you, Jesus, who gets us where we are.
We’re just not grateful.
In any case, the Lord wants us to stop looking to others to take action in his house,
Yaweh wants to break the attitudes of the Pharisees in the church, he wants our hearts to be engaged when we approach his altar.
2 Corinthians, 9:6 – Know this, he who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully.
Pray to give more and more.
We have been warned, we have been warned.
Don’t even think that when we give, we have performed a miracle; it’s a seed, not a sacrifice.
Seed cannot be spared, it must be sown generously if we want the harvest to be great.
If what we give is meagre, we will also have a meagre harvest, but if we give generously, we will also reap generously.
That’s what the Word says.
It’s a spiritual law.
Our gift will be returned to us and this return depends on the amount given.
Giving must be voluntary, it must come from the heart.
So let’s always give more and let the Lord multiply our gift without asking for anything in return.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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