My Month Of Honor! Jn12:26

This morning we want to tell ourselves to stop seeing our lives as misery, and to look at them as God sees them.
The Lord’s eyes are on us, he watches over us and protects us, and his plans are nothing but happiness.
the Lord wants us to discover the gifts that lie dormant in us,
he wants us to realise the hero that lies dormant within us.
So imagine if we let the Lord take his place in our lives, imagine God at our side during our challenges and our battles,
we will inevitably go from victory to victory.
So many of life’s difficulties suffocate us,
So oppressive are the storms,
So much persecution frustrates us and our daily lives are painted with bitterness.
But the Lord calls us to come out of our misfortunes by leaning on him and trusting him, because he has plans for happiness.
Many times we have limited our vision because of our human reasoning, but God does not see as we see,
God’s thinking is contrary to ours.
Sometimes we have the impression that we have regressed and that our plans have not been fulfilled.
When that happens
our spirits are at half-mast, but let’s remember that everything we’re going through didn’t happen by chance,
It’s a time of formation and preparation for all those who choose to leave their future in God’s hands.
So let’s recognise that there are positive points all the same.
Blessed the Lord for his honorable plans for you.
Jeremiah, 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and hope.
The Lord knows our destiny better than we do.
Gideon was threshing wheat in his father’s wine press, to keep it safe from the Madians.
He thought his life was better and he enjoyed it until the angel of the Lord appeared to him and let him know that the Lord was with him and that he was a valiant hero.
Gideon saw himself as weak,
he lacked self-confidence
he thought he was incapable of being a Judge in Israel until he discovered that Yaweh had hidden something in him,
a strength and potential he didn’t know he had.
Beloved, the Lord knows, everything is in his hands.
So if we want to discover ourselves
let’s cling to the Father, let’s trust him and he will lead us into plausible waters.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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