My Month Of Honor! Jn12:26

We want to be thankful to the Lord today.
It is a sunny day in our ministries.
We are called to stand and intercede for our places of worship.
We think that going to church is just an ordinary action but we want to tell ourselves that coming together in the temple to worship and to praise the Lord is a victory.
Praying for Rohi Ministries International,
is to pray for all ministries around the world,
it is remembering the difficulties of other churches, it is carrying the burdens of the body of Christ.
Maintaining a stable house of God is a real energy because each of us has many reasons to justify our presence.
The Bible tells us that when Jesus had to preach in the boat,
he was with the disciples and the crowd also gathered.
They witnessed the deliverances, the miracles… But their hearts were still filled with unbelief.
Some were there out of curiosity.
Others are there, hear the gospel, are happy and then radio silence,
Others, on the other hand, are also there, they are not firm, they want to concentrate on the way of the Lord, but the pressures of the world push them around.
And finally, we have the children of God,
who are attached to Jesus,
who want to know and meet the Lord.
Faced with this whole category, we’re going to have to move to the other side; we can’t continue to stagnate.
The crowd must clear the floor.
To achieve this, we must Pray for the RMI.
Psalms, 3:4 – But you, O Lord, are my shield; you are my glory, and you lift up my head.
We can say it, the Lord is our shield, he is the one who protects us from the attacks of the enemy.
God can change our situation if we turn to him,
No matter what we’re going through,
God can lift up our heads and give us courage.
Lord, lift up our heads, you are our glory.
We choose today to look to you,
help us to stay focused on you and to trust you, Father.
You are the one who makes good plans for us.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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