My Month Of Possession! Job42:12

We are the salt of the earth, that’s what the Lord said.
Where there is salt, taste changes,
Where there’s salt, there’s life,
Where there’s salt, there’s peace.
Salt is there to influence,
salt is there to season,
salt is there to impact,
Salt regenerates and inspires.
Salt is full of strength and energy…
Without it, there is no transformation,
Without it, the earth is shapeless and empty,
Without it, the earth is bland…
We can’t be in one place and no one notice the difference.
Isaac went to Gerar because of the famine.
The Bible tells us that it was in this foreign land that Isaac sowed his seed, and he reaped a hundredfold that year, for the Lord blessed him.
Isaac became very rich, to the point of arousing jealousy.
Isaac had a flavour about him that attracted a good smell,
he brought glory and prosperity,
he was an example to many.
The Lord wants us to spread joy, peace and justice around us.
Let’s look at how bland the world is,
unfaithfulness destroys couples,
disappointments give rise to illness,
Divisions are rampant in our churches, and Yaweh exhorts us as his children to give hope to torn souls,
he recommends that we bring life to barren lands,
He calls on us to bring taste to this bitter world.
We have the good news to live and to share, and it is in this that others will know that we are disciples.
We have to know how to salt our food or our earth, but not too much or it will no longer be interesting.
With the help of the Holy Spirit, let’s find the right balance.
Let us set an example of service and justice…
Let us be a balanced flavour.
Mark, 9:50 – Salt is a good thing; but if salt becomes tasteless, what will you season it with?
Always pray for flavour filled salt in you.
Salt is important, but if this ingredient loses its beauty, its strength, what will we use to attract others?
How will we add flavour to our dishes?
Let us strive to be the salt of the earth.
And the testimony will follow.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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