My Month Of Possession! Job42:12

We are invited today to invest in the kingdom of God, to invest in all that is eternal, and not in that which will perish, in that which is fleeting.
We must concentrate on the kingdom of God,
we’ve wasted enough time on vain things.
Let us put our energy, our money,
our strength in what is precious.
We give ourselves to our activities and hobbies, and that’s where our priorities lie.
We pursue well-being,
we seek stability but we are not captivated by what is eternal, invisible.
The Word of God teaches us that we have to do certain things first.
But our nature leads us to do first whatever is in line with our interests, our desires.
The prophet of the Lord was sent to Serepta to meet a widow.
When he arrived, the widow was in trouble, there was a famine,
she didn’t know how she was going to manage her son and herself,
she was at the end of her savings.
The prophet was hungry,
he wanted to eat,
There was little flour and little oil left, but the man of God ordered her to cook for him first, and then she would fight to restore them.
Before thinking of herself and her son, she had to think of the Lord, of his service.
When the Lord asks us to do something, it’s because he wants to test our hearts.
The widow did not murmur,
she didn’t get angry, she just obeyed.
Can we imitate the obedience of her faith?
Matthew, 6:33 – Seek first the kingdom and the righteousness of God, and all these things will be added to you.
Pray that the kingdom of God will be your priority.
We spend most of our time searching for something other than the presence of God,
We go to bed with our worries,
we get up with our worries.
No time to settle down and ask God’s will, but the Lord lets us know that it is by making him our privilege,
by favouring the things of heaven, we won’t need to worry any more,
we will no longer need to stress over a few things.
The Lord will give us what our hearts desire if we first put him centre stage.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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