My Month Of Mercy! Lc1:50

To be under mercy is good.
Having the guarantee of the Lord’s compassions is soothing, but it doesn’t mean we have to allow ourselves to do as we please, nor does it mean we have to go beyond the authority of our Yaweh.
Each of us must stay in our place and reassure ourselves of our good life according to spiritual principles.
The Bible tells us that there have been kings who knew that abiding under mercy could strengthen their reign, there have been leaders who knew that relying on the Lord was a powerful weapon in their hands.
Nehemiah said to the Lord: O Lord, God of heaven, great and awesome God, you who keep your covenant and show mercy to those who love you and keep your commandments!
Let your ear be attentive and your eyes open: listen to the prayer that your servant is making to you at this time, day and night, for your servants the children of Israel, confessing the sins of the children of Israel, our sins against you; for I and my father`s house have sinned.
With these words, we also understand that our love and obedience to God keeps us under his mercy.
Prayer, supplication and confession also preserve us and offer us the Lord’s mercy.
Jerusalem was destroyed, its gates consumed by fire. Nehemiah was determined to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and so he needed the Lord’s favor and mercy, so that not only would he find favor in the Lord’s eyes and be allowed to leave, but he would also have victory over the enemy’s conspiracies and challenges.
When we remain under mercy, we decrease so that Jesus may increase,
When we abide under mercy, we watch our steps so that we are not always in sin.
Romans, 9:16 – So then, it depends neither on him who wills nor on him who runs, but on God who shows mercy.
Fast and pray to abide under God’s mercy.
Sanballat, Tobija, Geshem, the Arab, it doesn’t depend on you whether the wall is rebuilt, it’s not you who has the last word.
It’s not a matter of our will and our speed, it’s God who shows mercy to whom he will.
We need his mercy every day.
Our lives depend on his mercy.
Without God’s mercy, we wouldn’t have breath right now. Without God’s mercy, we would have nothing good. Without his mercy, we would have no salvation. His salvation, we have seen throughout Romans, does not depend on human will, works or efforts.
It depends on God’s mercy and God’s grace through Christ on the cross. God, in his mercy, has made salvation possible.
So, just one piece of advice: let us remain under his mercy.
Good day to you all
Have a nice day!

Onde D.

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