My Month of Possessions! Ps16:6

Whenever God says something, it is first to me that he speaks.
I am the first person he speaks to.
When I think I just chatted up toooooo
I am overwhelmed, it may be a blow to the bowl but I sinned, I did not control myself, I let myself carried away by my emotions and went in all directions.
On this day, God tells us about the fire in our languages.
When it wants to go out, it dribbles only.
No sense of control, always quick to answer, always complain, always be right.
All this, always with our mouths.
The Lord wants to teach us how to contain ourselves.
There is another quality that we all love then: backbite
Speak ill to please, backbite to harm others, we make rumors without verifying them.
We ourselves encourage this disorder, we want to know everything and it does not bother us when a fresh information falls on us.
We prefer to listen without having the courage to tell the person to take back his brother directly.
We talk too much without thinking, no matter how.
God teaches us to pay attention to what we say because our words have power.
They expose our true selves.
Often, we wait for opportunities to complain and these complaints determine our direction of life.
Our language causes many problems, we can not tame it if we do not let ourselves be led by the Holy Spirit.
The support passage tells us clearly: pray to acquire mastery during your conversations.
Proverbs 18:13 – He who answers before he listens to an act of madness and confusion.
Let’s learn to listen !!!!!
Listening keeps us away from mistakes and fructifies our negotiations.
Even in the presence of God, we do not know how to listen to the Lord speak to us, we speak alone without letting the Lord speak in turn and when we have finished saying what we have to say, we leave by abandoning God with his instructions and we are champions to say that God did not exalt us.
Let’s take time to listen and talk less.
Words do not always help us, they can also destroy us.
Hello neighborhood
Have a good day.

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