My Month of Spiritual Growth!2Chr17:6

Hello family,

Talking about the world is not easy, you always have the impression that it is a subject that has no secrets for anyone yet there are so many things we can ignore.
The world is the place where we live, it is a place of all sorts of distractions and seductions.
The Bible says in Romans 12: 2 – Do not conform to the present age, but be transformed by the renewing of the intelligence, so that you discern what is the will of God, which is good, pleasant and perfect.
* The present century * is the world in which we live, it is the world that takes us away from God, organizes false ideas and encourages selfish and proud choices.
The people of the world are always in search of carnal desires.
* Do not conform to the present century *
Do not adapt, do not accept, do not let us be intimidated, do not grant, do not copy the clichés and the standards that exist for the world keeps leading us to change our look, decoration, style, to make us lose ourselves and stay the same.
When we give our lives to Christ, the Holy Spirit restores our mentalities and teaches us to think as He does and not as the world dictates. This new way of thinking influences who we are and our behaviors.

Our thoughts are ourselves.

Let the word of God judge and mold our thoughts.
We just want to say that whatever our environment and our cultures, there is a model that is better, there is a way of seeing that is better than the one in which we grew up: it is that of Jesus.
Paul invites us to let ourselves be transformed, that is, to change our form, to leave an established model to embrace another model of thought.
We have long been dominated by our environment. It is time to get out of this gear and return to the original form.
Lord, renew us by giving us understanding of Your word.
Make us able to discern Your will for our lives, and help us to make  Your command a lamp on our path so that we are inspired only by the kingdom of heaven.

Refuse to be conformed to the world.

Hello everyone
Good week.

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