My Month Of Improvement ! Ho14:5

The Lord leads us to a theme which is the weakness of many.
Are we praying enough?
Some have experienced prayer, they have seen their lives straighten out, they have seen their stories change because of it.
Some discouraged people did not persevere, they wanted things to happen the way they wanted.
Prayer is perseverance.
Our problem is that when we have got what we want, we stop praying, we get busy.
The work that prayer has given us takes us away from the Lord,
The marriage that prayer has given us takes us out of the presence of God. The child offered to us by prayer disconnects us from the altar of GOD.
The peace, the joy, the blessing that prayer puts at our disposal has strayed us from the path.
Prayer is not a waste of time,
it transforms situations,
she gives life,
it puts us in communion with God, it gives us to live a victorious life.
Pray for our churches,
Pray for our nations,
Pray for our brothers and sisters,
Pray for our families,
Let us pray for our husbands and for our children …
This is what God is waiting for us.
The Bible teaches us that it is necessary for us to pray and pray continually.
Whenever we have had an immediate answer to our prayers, we have stopped, the Lord wants us to stand firm, that we will not let go.
It is for our sake that we must pray.
Matthew, 26:41 – Watch and pray, that you do not fall into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Ask the Lord the ability to become more prayerful.
Jesus warns us, he invites us to devote ourselves to prayer, he insists, he demands.
Vigilance is necessary in spiritual warfare, it keeps us from bad habits.
Every day we fall into the weaknesses of the flesh, we make resolutions that we don’t keep, it happens to us every day.
What we need to do in order not to fall into temptation is to watch and pray.
Jesus knew that his disciples were going to be tempted, he was aware that the weakness of the flesh could overcome them, he recommended them to strengthen themselves in prayer.
* To watch * is to be careful, to be careful, to be on guard, to be on the alert.
* Praying * is communicating with the Lord.
Temptation is a work of the devil, that’s why we have to be on our guard because the devil wants us to fall.
Our second enemy, the passage tells us, is * our flesh *
The flesh has passions, desires … Which are opposed to the spirit.
The flesh motivates us to pride, to sufficiency.
It is not only at night that we have to be on the alert, it is every hour, every minute.
Being awake is a state of mind.
Let us be vigils, guards, sentries.
Let’s quit the distraction, vigilance requires.
Hi world
Have a good day

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