My Month Of Investment! Eccl11:1

Many of us stand still, they can’t decide on a project, they don’t develop the ideas they have, they dream of realizing themselves and having an impact but they are still influenced by appearances, they want to do like the others and they miss the rhythm foreseen by the Lord.
We are called to try things, whether we fail or succeed, we must learn to take risks and have faith.
The size of a project is not what matters most, it is the faith that is put into it that is important.
We must have a measure of faith that the Lord has entrusted to us and we must assert it.
To be praised and rewarded by the Lord, we must not be unbelievers, let us be faithful and valiant servants.
How many times have we neglected the treasures that God has placed in our hands?
How many times have we let our grace be trampled on the ground?
Serepta’s widow minimized what she had, she was afraid to share her assets, she didn’t want to invest in a project she didn’t control.
When Elijah asked for food, she panicked.
The widow was already kind enough to welcome the prophet into her home but she was not ready to give up her sacrifice, her last resource for any reason.
With her physical eyes, she did not see the provision, she only looked at the quantity, she had already seen herself dying with her son for lack of food.
The widow wanted to withdraw but she remembered the faith and she bet everything on it.
Also, in the parable of the talents, the other two did not sit back, they did not want to wait for the encouragement and motivation of others to invest, they decided to take risks, they put their talents, their gifts, their potentials at stake to accomplish their projects and they were honored.
On the other hand, the one who waited on others, the lazy one, is the one who is prone to criticism and murmurings and he could not stand out.
He preferred to extinguish his zeal, he let his heaven close, he diluted his anointing.
Let us pay attention to what the Lord gives us and that we refuse to see it and use it.
Let us be careful to put aside the oil that flows over our heads.
It is for this reason that the Lord asks us today: Do not minimize the seed you have!
Matthew 25:18 – He who had received only one went and made a hollow in the ground, and hid his master’s money.
Here are our everyday behaviors, burying our heritage in the ground and we have excuses to justify our deviations.
What have we done with our blessings?
Where have we deposited our talents?
Each of us has received something and God expects us to multiply but it all depends on our attitude.
hello to us
Have a good day

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