My Month Of Acceleration! Is58:14

The stiff-necked people had grown tired of waiting for Moses who was on Mount Sinai to receive instructions from the Lord.
Moses went forty days and forty nights and Israel built themselves their god, a golden calf, made by hand.
How Israel, you were able to deceive the Lord who, watching over us, showed you the way with his dove of cloud and enlightened you with his dove of fire?
How could you forget the manna that fell from the sky to feed you?
How have you neglected and betrayed the presence of God in your midst?
How forgetful we are!
Waiting is a fruit of the spirit.
Israel preferred to make an image for worship.
This is how we all act when the wait gnaws at us, we create our gods, we reinvent strategies to make our job easier, we create shortcuts to rejoice for a moment.
After Israel’s sin, those who did not repent found death, many were killed.
All this, because they had lost hope of seeing Moses return and they let Egyptian thoughts overwhelm them, compromise set in.
Impatience causes us to lose our blessing.
Saul is the leader of the army of Israel but he is not the priest.
Saul believed that spiritual things are like physical things.
He had been instructed to wait until the prophet Samuel arrived to offer burnt offerings to the Lord.
He was intimidated by his position and by the crowd and he disobeyed the orders the Lord had given.
This is how Saul lost the kingship.
Impatience robs us of our joy and our peace.
Impatience is the satisfaction of the flesh.
And many times we have scored on our promises because of our eagerness to do or have as we wish.
Impatience distorts the grace of God in our lives and prevents us from seeing the light of God.
Here is the instruction of the day: Pray to remain patient while waiting on results.
1 Corinthians, 15:36 – Fool! what you sow does not come to life unless it dies.
A fool is an unbeliever, a madman, a person who does not think.
The grain of seed sown in the ground must die before it can bring forth new life.
You have to be patient for the resurrection to appear.
Let us be patient when we are in Christ, until Jesus returns, wait for him in consecration and sanctification.
hello to us
Have a good day

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