My Month Of Gifs! Ps37:4

We teach about giving,
We want to make people understand that giving has a power of fulfilment,
We share in assembly that the secret of prosperity is giving.
All this is true but do we who sow this word in the hearts do it?
It is very easy to stand at the altar and talk about offering and giving but we are unable to carry out this instruction.
Men of God want to receive trips, cars, houses but they themselves are very few to make the sacrifice.
How can we explain that pastors do not pay their tithes, do not give their offerings and are not comfortable with the church’s way of giving?
The problem is our anointed ones.
The principle is clear to the Lord, if we want to receive, let us give, offer, sacrifice.
Solomon just needed wisdom and understanding, he gave burnt offerings to the Lord.
Manoah, to seal the word of God in his marriage, placed an offering on the altar of God,
Jedeon, to make the word of God come true in his life, gave.
To be the father of faith, Abraham was ready to offer Isaac to the Lord.
Jesus himself was given for the salvation of all.
Let us know this morning that if we want to receive a grace,
a favour,
an anointing…
We have to go through the pain.
Let us just observe around us as people offer temples,
water to activate and draw glory to them.
The more we want, the more we have to share.
We see people spending time complaining,
saying that the Lord has forgotten them,
talking about how the Lord doesn’t keep his promises yet they haven’t done anything to change things,
they do not provoke the spiritual world and continue to let their state of poverty speak for itself.
If we offer bread and say that we have done our best,
let us not also expect to receive a car as a reward.
You only receive as much as you give.
Give as you would like to receive.
Luke, 6:38 – Give, and it will be given to you: a good measure will be poured into your bosom, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing; for you will be measured with the measure you have used.
The verse confirms this.
Let us give, let us share, and we will receive in return.
Let us not worry, the Lord Himself will provide for us.
When we give, the Lord keeps the devourer away from us.
He keeps us from want.
He takes us out of want and covers us with his grace.
Giving is courageous,
Giving is daring,
Giving is necessary.
It is a commandment of God that each of us must practice.
Let us experience this rule and we will see the unexpected provider reveal himself to us.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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