My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Quite often, we go through situations that worry us, we look for solutions without finding them, and sometimes we even integrate this difficulty into our lives.
Giving thanks to God for everything is not something we do ourselves,
Giving glory to the Lord is not in our genes,
Glorifying the name of the Lord is the last part of the puzzle for us, but all this is a mistake, it’s our mistake.
We have a hard time taking God’s sacrifice into account in our lives, we have to trust the God of our salvation because we think it’s enough to read our Bibles or go to church.
The Bible tells us that Jairus was the head of the synagogue,
a man respected in his community for his Christian walk.
Jairus lays aside his title and rank and comes to lie at Jesus’ feet.
Jairus needs Jesus; he wants the miracle to be performed in his house,
his only daughter is dead.
Jairus knew that his money could not give life to his baby, he understood that the power of death and life is in the hand of the Lord.
So he urged Jesus to rescue him.
The Bible tells us that when the Lord entered the scene,
the unbelievers and fools who are always present to reassure themselves that our heaven is closed were present.
For God to work a miracle, he has to rid us of overload,
he must absolutely disconnect us from our supports,
he must first remove the enemies of our progress in order to restore us.
This is how Jairus’ daughter was resurrected.
We need to understand that Jairus served Jesus, but he didn’t know him,
he went to the Lord’s house, but he wasn’t saved.
He was locked into a system of thoughts until he found himself facing death.
It was when Jesus entered the house of Jairus that he offered them life and life in abundance.
His coming into the house of Jairus brought this family closer to Yaweh.
The salvation Jesus gives us is not something we should take lightly.
The Lord’s exceptional price qualifies us for the kingdom, but do we really deserve this salvation?
My brothers, it’s God’s grace.
It’s the Lord who loves us and forgives us every time.
He did not reproach that ruler Jairus,
he didn’t judge him,
he just held out his hand.
Isn’t that wonderful?
Our Jesus is salvation and it’s free and it’s unconditional.
Isaiah, 33:22 – For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king: He it is who saves us.
Celebrate the righteous judge to whom salvation belongs.
It is he who saves us from danger and death.
He covers us with his wings,
He protects us from our adversaries,
It is he who always gives victory over all trials.
So let us celebrate the King of kings.
He is worthy of praise,
He is our redeemer and his love is perfect.
Greetings to all
Good day to you

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