My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Whenever the Lord speaks, we always say that we are in control,
That the situation cannot escape us,
We are too strong, we understand the depths of the spiritual,
We pray a lot,
revelation will come to us,
we read our Bibles, we are constantly before the face of the Lord.
Does God argue with us?
He says his thing and it’s up to us to see what we’re going to do with it.
How often do we find ourselves doing deplorable things when we think we are too mature for that?
Do we remember how many times we let pride control us to the point of destroying everything?
In any case, God wants to do his part, he wants us to be careful, he really wants us to be examples in the kingdom of heaven.
Peter was a disciple of Jesus, he walked with the Lord, he said he loved him and honoured him, but it’s in the face of persecution that we can really assess our degree of love and faithfulness.
It is in the face of upheaval that we can truly determine the intensity of others’ promises to us.
Peter did not fail to turn away from God and to deny him three times, even though he had been warned.
A whole stone, close to Jesus, was capable of ignoring his master; he was shameless in denying his spiritual identity to protect himself from trouble.
Cain acted disloyally out of jealousy; he thought that his brother Abel was a stumbling block to his glory and he killed him.
We’ll say that it doesn’t concern us, but we want to tell ourselves this morning that we can be Peter and Cain, that lust can invade our hearts and divert us from our objective,
a fear can grip us to the point of total confusion.
That’s why the Lord warns us to always remain in an atmosphere of prayer, because he knows that the devil is always on the prowl to tempt us.
Aaron, who was the shepherd, who was supposed to understand the spiritual world, who was the guide of the people, sat down himself and made a golden calf so that Israel could have an idol and worship it.
Judah, too, didn’t skimp on throwing everything away for his own comfort.
It’s scandalous, we say!
It’s cruel, the irresponsible things we do can sometimes shatter a whole life.
We are invited to analyse our actions and repent for the damage we have done.
Our God is faithful and merciful enough to forgive us, his arms are always open to welcome us, but all we have to do is resolve to take responsibility and walk according to God’s word.
Let’s pray that the Lord will help us to remain attached to him so that we don’t fall into our ways.
This is the Lord’s message to us this morning.
Pray to avoid irresponsible acts.
Matthew, 27:4 – saying, “I have sinned by shedding innocent blood. They said, “What do we care? That is your business.
Matthew 27:5 – Judas threw the money into the temple, withdrew, and went to hang himself.
This is also what our irresponsible actions can cost us: hanging.
Let us be wise and just follow in the footsteps of our Lord.
Good morning to you all
Have a nice day

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