My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

We do the Lord a disservice by being careful about how we live our lives.
It’s important to know this, we’re the ones who want to tell the works of the Lord so we’re the ones who have to bend to the rules of the person who is able to create and manufacture grace and miracle for us.
Who said that God sits on the throne when things are going well? My friends, even when things are catastrophic, he reigns forever.
Let’s not be like the people of Israel, who, when manna falls from heaven, sing to the glory of God, but when they are thirsty and in the desert, they turn their backs to the point of compromising themselves for food.
We can’t imagine how selfish we sometimes are with the Lord,
We only think about what will satisfy us at the moment,
we don’t think about how God will feel when he sees the foolish thing we’ve done.
The sins in which we find ourselves and we refuse to think about God’s interest.
That’s what Israel did, Moses went to the mountain to listen to the Lord’s instructions,
he left so that we would have the prophetic mind of the Lord in this particular season,
he left so that confusion would not lead us astray.
Instead of waiting for him and trusting him,
instead of looking at all the prices he has already paid for us,
we didn’t hesitate to fall into sin.
We didn’t fail to let Egypt inside us control us.
All this time our leader thought we were strong, all this time our pastor thought we were mature souls.
Instead of praying for him and for us in his absence, we make ourselves a golden calf to worship.
Didn’t we know that this is a sin that God rejects to the utmost?
Did we not know that God does not share his glory?
Didn’t we know that our Lord is a jealous God?
Didn’t we know that worshipping another god is a sin against the Holy Spirit?
That’s what Israel found itself in.
And when that happens, the wisest repent.
Others remain in their pride, knowing that God, who is merciful, will eventually understand and forgive them.
But we have also come to realise that certain sins remove our names from God’s book.
Moses is a far-sighted leader,
he comes to plead with God,
he comes to intercede,
He’s ready to take full responsibility for other people’s sins, because he knows that one of the Lord’s principles is to be always on the watch, to be a sentinel for others.
The Lord understands, he sees the heart of his servant, but each person must take responsibility for the consequences of his actions.
Exodus, 32:33 – The Lord said to Moses, “I will blot out of my book him who has sinned against me.
Fast and pray that you will not be erased from the book of God.
Let us work so that we do not fall into a sin that keeps us from the glory of God.
Let us pray that our names will always be kept in the Book of Life.
Pray that God will help us to open our hearts to him sincerely in our moments of weakness.
Pray that the Lord will direct our steps.
Let us invite the Holy Spirit to perfect our lives.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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