My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

This is our day of worship, a day of celebration,
the psalmist said that he is always happy when he is invited into his Father’s house.
David, who was a king, could give up everything to be in God’s presence,
He was ready to give up his titles, his wealth, his time to go and dance for God.
It was non-negotiable for him, God came first.
He understood that God is the beginning and the end and that everything he has belongs to God, so he wasn’t playing around with his God.
And we’re unemployed, but our pride is overflowing,
It’s Sunday that we go to the gym,
It’s Sunday that we do the housework, it’s Sunday that we eat with our family, it’s Sunday that we have an intimate moment with our loved one…
These are our excuses, the pretexts we make to get us involved in religion.
Some will tell us that everything is managed online…
Beloved, we just want to say that it’s because we don’t consider Jesus that we can do without him,
it’s because we’re in our comfort zone that we refuse to make Yaweh our rock.
Let’s just know that his love is always available,
he is always ready to reach out to us even if we reject him.
How can we explain his sacrifice on the cross?
How can we take all these curses for people who trample on him?
How can we put up with people who are as ungrateful as we are, to the point of accepting everything so that we can be happy?
Jesus was our guarantor, he defended us,
he stooped down so that the yoke could be taken off us, but we’re still here, focusing on vain things.
Jesus had a mission, he had a vision,
he accepted,
he obeyed…
The earth was dirty,
he had to find a way to clean it up,
sin and abominations had taken root and were affecting our stability.
Jesus is therefore the one whom the Father chose to make our lives secure,
He let himself be stripped for our redemption.
Accused, beaten, humiliated, he was always there to help us through difficult situations,
he was always there to encourage us,
he was there to comfort us.
So we who have understood the power of his sacrifice must reconsider the way we love him,
we absolutely must reconsider our attachment to him.
When we are intimate with someone,
we want to be with that person all the time,
we want to tell them everything,
we do everything to please them and to make them happy with us.
But is this what we do with Jesus whom we say we love?
Let’s remember that he gave us life, and we in turn must show our gratitude to him.
We must learn to give our Jesus all the room in the world.
So let’s celebrate him
Let us glorify him,
acclaim him,
He is the true one,
He is the main stone.
Philippians, 2:8 – he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
Honor the Lord who, himself, has carried out his mission on earth.
He could give up along the way because it was heavy,
He could have stopped because he was suffering, but he decided to take us out of captivity,
he decided to remove the scales from our eyes so that blindness would leave us,
He decided to go all the way, even to the point of losing his life to save us.
Brothers and Sisters, when we remember or imagine the amount of pain Yaya carried, we must not hesitate to serve him and let him lead our lives.
Let’s all lift him up to heaven.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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