My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

It’s becoming more and more common to see God’s children saying that they serve God.
They are in church and sometimes even sing for the glory of the Lord, but they in no way reflect God’s love.
They are by far the Christian model on which those who are lagging behind can lean.
We just want to tell ourselves to work for our Christian walk.
Peter encourages us to be diligent in responding to God’s call.
We cannot be established in the word if we neglect to read it during the week.
Sunday morning is not enough to get results.
Yet most believers are content with this. This is precisely why there are thousands of churches around the world filled with born-again people who don’t have enough faith to do anything.
There is no diligence.
If we want to stand in the days ahead,
we’re going to need a lot more faith than we had on Sunday morning.
We will need a mature faith,
a faith that moves mountains.
And there’s only one way to get it: by devoting ourselves to the Word of God more diligently than ever before.
So let’s do it. Let us strengthen our vocation and our election.
Then, no matter how bad our situation, we won’t have to fall!
2 Peter, 1:10 – Therefore, brethren, work all the more to strengthen your calling and election, for in doing so you will never stumble.
Work tirelessly to strengthen your christian walk.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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