My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

We already find it hard to take care of ourselves,
We’re already too headstrong for you, Lord, to add to our problems.
We can also understand because your commandments are all about love.
Love means being responsible for one another.
So on this day, the Lord wants us to know that our responsibility is great,
we have no right to see our neighbour go astray and do nothing, we cannot say that it doesn’t concern us,
We can’t say, as the world likes to say, “It’s his life, he can do what he likes”.
If we behave in this way, we are sinning.
We are the ones who have confessed Christ,
We are the ones who believe in the mystery of faith,
it is up to us whose Christian walk seems established to warn those who commit evil,
not so much for their own good
not so much to make them repent,
but first of all so that their blood does not fall on us.
In any case, that is what God said to Ezekiel, 33:6 – If the watchman sees the sword coming and doesnt blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes someones life, he will perish because of his iniquity, but I will ask the watchman for his blood again.
Be reassured that you are doing your duties well.
Ezekiel is a sentinel watching over his people.
He must warn the deportees in Jerusalem with clear and strong words.
God chooses his sentinels, which is why they must be far-sighted, vigilant, focused, discreet, objective…
If they fail in their duties, there’s no excuse for them, they’ll pay the price.
This is non-negotiable, which is also why the Lord takes the time to underline this warning so that no one is unaware of it.
The theme of “the watchman” is used to reinforce everyone’s co-responsibility.
The purpose of this story is to show that in times of imminent danger, the sentinel plays a decisive role in safeguarding common interests.
Either the sentinel warns the population sufficiently in advance of the danger, in which case he is relieved of all responsibility.
Either the sentry allows himself to be surprised and fails in his duty;
in which case they bear full and total responsibility.
The role of the sentinel is to pass on what he hears and sees.
But the most important thing is for everyone to feel responsible for themselves and their loved ones.
Good day to you all
Have a nice day!

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