My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Here we are being the first to say that we serve God,
that we are ready to do anything for him.
But how many of us have given thanks to the Lord before going to sleep?
How many have taken a little of their time to sacrifice to the Lord, to pray and to worship him.
We are in church but we are so cold, closed to the presence of God,
we sit when we should be praying or praising.
We are people waiting for God’s blessings but we are also those who are on the battlefield lost and without purpose.
Some are discouraged, stunned by their problems but don’t know how to get Yaweh to take notice of them.
What we are trying to say is that the Christian knows everything except the mission that the Lord has entrusted to him.
He is more a spectator than a participant.
He sees the Lord’s works but does not experience them because he thinks he is the most important person in the house of God.
If we don’t know how to worship the Lord, we are no different from fools.
This is the first mission that Yaya has given us.
He says in his word that he is “looking for true worshippers, those who worship him in spirit and in truth”.
How many of us connect with God’s spirit during our moments of intimacy?
How many have a pure and authentic heart when we want to open our heaven?
Who really is the God we worship?
If we ever knew him, we would want to do everything to please him.
If we knew for sure what we would benefit from, we would lie down to receive the person of the Holy Spirit in our temples.
We don’t complete our missions because we are too self-conscious; if our assets could solve everything, we wouldn’t be grateful.
The other mission we all have as children of God is to go out and evangelise.
How many souls did we lead to the Lord last month?
If we are followers of Christ, at least if we think we are, let us just know that our neglect of God’s work is no different from any sin.
We want to remember a day when Jesus was suffering.
In all his sorrows, he cried out to God, he needed help.
It was already terrifying for him to accept to carry the world on his shoulders,
It was already a horror to be rejected and accused, sometimes without being given the opportunity to justify himself.
But because he knew that his mission was more important than his state of mind, he went for it.
He knew that his mission was the key to freeing the captives from bondage, and he obeyed despite his pain.
Beloved, let’s learn to go after our dreams, the things we really want to achieve.
Matthew, 26:39 – Then he took a few steps forward, fell on his face and prayed: My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. But not what I want, but what you want.
Fast and pray that you do not despise the mission entrusted to you.
Jesus knew that his mission would be difficult,
He saw it in his mind and, in a moment of weakness, he almost became discouraged, but he also knew that he couldn’t do it alone, so he went to beg God’s grace and, in the end, he let God’s mission come to an end.
Brothers and sisters, we all have a mission that the Lord has entrusted to us; it’s up to us to align ourselves with the Father’s will.
Let’s just return to our first love and we will certainly see the glory of God.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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