My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

It’s the Lord’s day, let’s give thanks to the Lord.
Today is not the day to solve all the problems of the week,
Sunday is not the day to put our house in order,
It is not the day of celebration that we are to rest.
Our Sunday is precious to us but we don’t use it as if it were a gift from God, we always pretend that it’s by our own strength that we’ve managed to do it,
we always want to pretend that it’s because we take good care of ourselves.
Just take a trip to a morgue and you’ll realise that the value we think we have is only fragile.
We’re in an environment where we have to be careful because there’s tension in the air, but we feel it’s too much to ask us to pray for our country.
Our children are getting into more and more trouble and the parents have lost all control.
Everyone wants to do things as they see fit, forgetting that Yaweh expects more communion from us.
So if we, as children of God, do our bit
we can open the skies of our nation.
We can come together to intercede for the Lord to change our way of thinking.
At all levels, we refuse to involve God in our activities,
we refuse to let the Gospel be spread in the villages,
we bring up our children with a total lack of interest in the word of God,
we concentrate our energies on pursuing all that is futile instead of allowing ourselves to be led by God.
As long as God is the guide of the people of Israel,
as long as it is the Lord who is the way, and it is he who shows the direction, this people cannot go astray,
they cannot end up in the pit because the country has chosen to walk in the ways of the Lord and to be upright in the eyes of the Lord.
And when we give first place to the Lord,
he makes the land prosper,
he strengthens the hands of the men of the land and he gives stability and peace to the nation.
And when the country refuses to follow the Lord’s commandments and the authorities choose to bow down to idols, the Lord also turns his face away.
Pray for your Nation.
Romans, 5:19 – For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous.
Today we suffer the sin of our parents,
We were not present when they decided to despise the will of God, but it is possible to rise again and let the Lord reign if we comply with the word of God, which will uproot the tentacles and give way to the light of our Lord.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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