My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

As humans, we are sometimes square, we think we are above God.
It’s often enough to visit a hospital to see how the one who claimed to be all-powerful can be fragile and even dependent on the one he despised.
You only have to go to the mortuary to understand that the beauty and seduction that we have so adulated are only ephemeral.
Let’s enter the morgues eeee to know that our mouths that we spent half our time typing there,
that our assets that gave us so much privilege are nothing in the face of death.
These are the same people who said they had the connections,
who pickpocketed the others who are stuffed in drawers.
Their riches could not give them life,
Their treasures couldn’t get them out of accidents,
Their influences could not speak for them,
Their pride could not give them the strength they needed.
Beware, we who think that tomorrow belongs to us.
Attention!!!! we who think that God can wait until we have time for him,
Attention!!!! we who have put the Lord on guard to come back for him according to our needs and our moods,
We who have turned away from God,
we who are rebellious and bow down to other gods.
Let us beware of our unfaithful hearts, we have no capacity to add a cubit to the length of our lives.
In Luke 12, Jesus tells the parable of the rich farmer.
It’s about a man who thought he could amass wealth for himself. He tried to amass what he needed to be able to rest for the rest of his life.
But he did all this without thinking about God.
He enjoyed himself without thinking about his future, his eternal destiny.
For God, this rich man was truly poor.
The disciples of Jesus are called to live to please God.
And to please our Jesus,
we must depend on him,
we have to trust him,
We must put him first and seek first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness.
Everything we do must first be presented to God,
it’s not when we’ve undertaken an activity that we have to think of the Lord along the way,
it is not when we have failed in a project that we must remember the Lord.
And that’s why, in the book of Job, we are asked a simple question: *Have we ordered our morning?
The point is very clear, if we have not subjected all the elements of nature to the early hours of the day, to work for us throughout the day, we will always fall into desolation.
We just need to realise that anything that God doesn’t have control over is not sustainable so we are invited to commend our fortunes to the Lord and he will act.
And it is every day that we must let our Yaweh be in control because he is the way.
Psalms, 17:15 – I will see your face in my innocence; I will be satisfied with your image when I wake up.
Pray to start off all your days with the Lord.
If you haven’t already done so, learn to make the Lord the priority of your thoughts every morning.
We must start from the moment we wake up, celebrating the greatness of the Lord until we go to bed at night.
As far as we are concerned as children of God, the glory of the Lord is available to us and it gives us a spiritual identity that enables us to build on our next level.
Good morning friends
Good day to you

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