My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

*If you do not praise me, I will raise up stones to praise me,” says the Lord.
Our responsibility is to give praise to the Lord.
That’s what he wants and expects of us.
This is our day of worship, this is the day we come together to celebrate the Lord and it’s a festive occasion to honour God.
Let’s not be shy, let’s not be cold, let’s reinvent ourselves to give glory to the Lord.
It’s not when we have to dance for God that we have to be busy with our phones,
It’s not when we’re going to shout for joy to the Lord that we’re going to say we’re tired,
It’s not when we’re cheering for the King of kings that we’re going to find the meeting boring…
The house of the Lord is the only place where we have to be ourselves,
it’s a place where all identities are the same,
it’s a place where everyone should be looking in the same direction.
In any case, Yaweh wants to see our dance steps,
he’s looking for the real worshippers,
people who know that they are nothing without him,
people who forget who they are and the cost of their clothes to lie down and prostrate themselves for him,
people who depend on God and trust him,
people who know that against all odds, our Lord is faithful…
So let us remember where the Father picked us up,
let us remember that the Lord has taken us out of the pit of destruction and out of the depths of the mire,
He set our feet on the rock and made our steps firm.
He has put a new song in our mouths,
He has multiplied wonders and plans for us,
We would like to publish and proclaim them, but they are too numerous to recount.
That is why we want and must do his will.
And his will this day is to receive praise from us.
So let us not allow the Lord to have resorted to stones. Let us dispose ourselves,
let us make ourselves useful in his hands and sing songs of joy to his glory.
More than ever before, let us be sensitive to the voice of the Lord.
Let us stop dragging our feet, and let God’s presence resound across borders and oceans.
Let the nations bow down!
Let tongues confess!
Let the knees bow!
Let the oceans roar!
When the King of glory makes his entrance with power and authority.
Psalms, 108:3 – Awake, my lute and my harp! I will awaken the dawn.
Let your praise of the Lord be of great magnitude.
Our instruments must be ready and fit for the moment of celebration.
We must dance and sing all night long.
No fatigue is allowed,
no pretext is tolerated,
no excuse is accepted…
It is our shouts and our praises that will herald the dawn,
it is the name and love of the Lord that will fill the atmosphere.
The Lord is the beginning of our day.
To him be glory.
May the name of the Lord be glorified.
May his love triumph in our hearts.
Good morning friends
Good day to you

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