My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Let us be aware that as long as we have decided to be part of the choir team or the church cleaning team, we cannot do what we want,
we cannot come or participate when we want or at the time we want.
We all have an obligation and a responsibility to respect the rules.
Just because it’s God’s thing doesn’t mean we’re allowed to let our moods rule.
How many times have we arrived late to our prayer or evangelism programmes because our priorities were elsewhere?
How many times have we abandoned the cleanliness of the Lord’s house to others because we had better things to do?
For us, God understands, he knows that we love him, he knows that it’s because we couldn’t…
We’ve built up an arsenal of thoughts that helps us sleep on and miss the initiative.
We think we’re indispensable, indispensable…
We think we know how to sing,
we know how to preach,
we have recognised gifts and talents, so it doesn’t matter, we’re the centre of the world.
We want to be in front and God behind, we don’t even pray any more when we have to give ministry, we are sufficient…
Service that we do negligently or late or with complaints is not service to God.
It is disobedience, it is rebellion, it is revolt…
Jonah wanted to act as if he had the last word, as if his anointing was above God’s vision. We have seen what the Lord did to him to let him know that he is not all-powerful, it was in the belly of the fish that he became aware of his mission, it was with the smell of the fish that Jonah was going to evangelise effectively.
Peter, trapped in false reasoning, was disqualified and entrusted to Paul.
Even the prophet Elijah was intimidated by the voice of Jezebel. Frightened, he fled and was stunned by the reckless wife of King Ahab.
With all his grace, fire and anointing, he resigned himself and the baton was passed to Elisha.
When Samuel went to anoint David, he allowed himself to be impressed by his stature and physique. Seduction almost turned him away from God’s choice, because at some point his flesh, his human choices, would corrupt him.
Beloved, the work of God is the work of the spirit, it is not as we wish, it is according to God’s principle…
John, 9:4 – While it is day, I must do the works of him who sent me; the night is coming, when no one can work.
Pray to do the Lord’s work effectively and on time.
Let us stop procrastinating, let us do what we have to do while we have the strength.
During the day, we are efficient, fit and energetic, but at night, tiredness, sleep and drowsiness get in the way.
At night, we are resting after having given our best during the day.
So let’s all take advantage of our youth to dedicate ourselves and store up our treasures in the sky.
There is always a reward for those who do God’s work with fear and trembling.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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