My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

When the Lord exhorts us to pray for our pastors,
it is not a duty that we should take lightly.
There are many spirits, many false spirits, and the Bible never ceases to warn us that we must know how to walk in relation to revelations.
We want to talk about the prophets Jeremiah and Hananiah this morning.
Jeremiah, sent by God, prophesied against the people of Israel,
He revealed the Lord’s prophetic thought, but Hananiah disputed them, also claiming to be a prophet of God.
Jeremiah and Hananiah are in time,
they are facing the people,
they are facing the priests,
everyone is there and the scene is unfolding.
Hananiah is not afraid, he is confident.
We are talking here about the prophets who are in the house of God.
Two different spirits, two different anointings,
two different gospels…
We find this today in the church…
The church has gone soft, the men of God are asleep and need to wake up.
Many give different sounds in the messages and nobody realises it.
The story of the old prophet who was in a deep sleep, tired, people came and did anything on the altar of Bethel and he couldn’t speak.
When God raised up another prophet, a young prophet, the old prophet tried to bounce back by using trickery and lies to corrupt the young prophet, and the young prophet died as a result.
Let us be careful, whatever ministry we exercise in the house of God.
Time and time again, God has given one direction, the false prophets have come with another, and they evolve within it,
They preach out of season, they are not in God’s time, and that was the case with Hananiah.
God speaks of seventy years of captivity, and Hananiah says that in two years everyone will return to Jerusalem, but that was false.
The Lord’s anointed must warn people, warn them against sin,
condemn sin,
lead people out of unclean covenants.
We must learn to know the line between darkness and light.
That’s why we need to pray for our leaders,
they are the authoritative mouth of the Lord.
Isaiah, 50:4 – The Lord the LORD has given me a trained tongue, that I may know how to uphold him who is downcast with a word; he awakens my ear every morning, that I may listen as disciples listen.
Pray for your pastors.
To be chosen by the Lord is to be filled with his spirit.
The verse tells us that the Lord puts words in the mouths of his servants,
they sharpen their tongues,
He fills them with a special grace so that they have the depths of his spirit.
Led by the Holy Spirit, they are channels of blessing when their tongue faithfully repeats the word of God, engraved in their heart.
Let us pray, then, to have this compassionate gaze on those who suffer and to have this blessed tongue.
Let us learn to keep our tongues in check and be bearers of life, joy and comfort.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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