My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Lord, thank you for your goodness and your faithfulness.
We will never be able to humble our hearts to your righteous power.
We want to bow down before the omnipotence of your name,
we want to lie down at your feet and let your wisdom build us up.
Every day, you never cease to motivate us not to give up,
You encourage us to continue our work, no matter how hard it may be.
And for that we are grateful.
Again this morning, you pointed out an important fact that we sometimes can’t manage.
Our time.
Yes, our time.
We still haven’t understood that there’s a time for everything.
We still want to procrastinate,
we still want to let idleness control us,
Sometimes we allow laziness to tame and debase us.
But that’s not your vision. You would so much have liked us to seize opportunities,
you would have liked us to discern the seasons, but alas…
We can plant many things at different times, but we don’t always understand that the harvest comes at the right time, the proper time…
Beloved, the harvest always takes place at a precise moment when the ears of corn are ripe.
The harvest speaks of the kingdom of heaven, and the Lord is waiting for us reapers to get to work.
Proverbs, 10:5 – He who gathers during the summer is a prudent son; he who sleeps during the harvest is a son of shame.
Pray that you don’t fall asleep at the wrong time.
Be careful not to neglect the opportunities we have.
At harvest time, each of us must redouble our efforts and activity.
In the countryside, the harvest decides and governs everything and everyone.
The hours of work are enormous,
There’s the intensity of the work, the fatigue, the heat…
And all this is part of the harvest, and the harvester knows it and expects it in advance.
The gatherer concentrates at a precise moment to prepare for bad weather.
He knows that rain will be an obstacle tomorrow and takes advantage of the sun to secure his future.
We must be quick to go to evangelism to win souls because if we sleep at this time, we will dry up like branches and be thrown into the fire.
It is our responsibility to control the weather and to anticipate.
Let us be prudent sons, that is the heartfelt wish of our Yaya.
Hello everyone
Have a nice day

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