My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Many of us say that we have confessed Christ, but we are still bound by covenants whose voice is louder than our own.
Rachel is the wife of a servant of God in the Bible,
her husband is strongly used by the Lord, she is supposed to be the mirror on which many copy,
she is mama pasto but when it comes to leaving, when the Lord wants to relocate them and take them to their next level.
It is Rachel, whom everyone honours, who goes to steal the idols of her father Laban.
Why does she do this?
She was in church but continued to serve other gods,
she was attached to the spirits of her father’s house.
Idolatry is not a simple matter,
We can have an idol in our lives and not even realise it.
Money is an idol in the world, it is a false god that we serve but no one will ever dare admit it.
Idolatry remains a scandal in heaven, when God sees us worshipping wood and prostrating ourselves in high places, he is just disappointed because he has done everything to show us his miracles and wonders,
he has done everything to make us understand that we can count on him,
that he is compassionate and merciful,
that he is beyond all love and faithfulness, but in our folly,
in our unbelief, in our misplaced and senseless rebellion, we return to the mire at every opportunity.
All it takes is for the leader to leave us alone to seek God’s face for us for us to panic and in our lack of confidence, we make ourselves a golden vow to worship.
What a disappointment!!!
Yet our pastors thought they already had wise, mature souls, zealous for the kingdom of heaven.
What a betrayal for a parent to find that the child he has trained is still locked into a system of thought, into false reasoning.
Our leader thought he could trust us and that we were the ideal person to lead the group, but curiously enough, we are the ones who unashamedly and guiltlessly initiate idolatry within the church…
If we do not turn back from our evil ways, the Lord will punish us severely.
Let us no longer allow ourselves to be seduced by human arguments, let us flee from idolatry.
Beware of idols!
Habakkuk, 2:19 – Woe to him who says to a tree: Arise! To a dumb stone, Awake! Will it give instruction? Behold, it is garnished with gold and silver, but there is no spirit in it to give it life.
Our verse for today warns us once again that anything we put our trust in, no matter how beautiful and ornate it may be, while thinking it will help us, is a false god.
If we carry on like this, the real worshippers will laugh at us,
they’ll ask us where our god is,
is he travelling or asleep?
Where is the one we claim to serve to help us?
Beloved, the God that Elijah invoked has come down and the testimony has been daggered.
So let us get rid of everything that is not God…
Hello church
Good day to you

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