My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Father, you deserve!
Yaweh, you deserve!
Elohim, you deserve!
El Elyon, you deserve!
Adonai, you deserve!
El Olam, you deserve!
El Jireh, you deserve!
Rohi, we say you deserve eeeeeeee!
We’re just in awe, Father.
You’re too perfect,
You’re too powerful,
You’re overflowing with love,
Your magnificence is off the scale,
Your supremacy is incredible.
You deserve all the glory, Dad.
You deserve…
We are just fools who don’t know how to appreciate all your greatness,
We are earthworms who are unaware of our weakness,
We are wretches without identity…
We have come to prostrate ourselves this morning,
We have come to abandon ourselves at your feet this Sunday.
We want to continue to entrust our souls to you because you are always at your post…
you are always vigilant…
You are more than a sentinel,
You are more than a captain defending a city,
You yourself protect and guard your people when they are alone and defenceless,
You are Israel’s guardian.
No state of unconsciousness, drowsiness or sleep can surprise you.
You constantly watch over the homes and hearts of your people.
That is reason enough for us to dwell in perfect peace.
That is why we must remain humble and turn to God.
Presidents fall asleep,
The powerful of this world doze off, neglecting their duty to protect,
they cannot provide infallible support, but God…even when the trial is hard and the storm is upon us, he is there.
Man cannot go twenty-four hours without dozing off, but God never rests.
Psalms, 121:3 – He will not allow your foot to stumble; He who keeps you will not slumber.
Psalms, 121:4 – Behold, he neither slumbers nor sleeps who keeps Israel.
Magnify the Lord, the God who never sleeps!
We have the Lord’s help at all times,
that’s a sure promise.
Let us simply tie ourselves to the Vine and the satisfaction will also be perfect.
Hello family
Good day to you

Onde D.

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