My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

May all the glory be yours for this new week that you are offering to each and every one of us.
To see a new day is a grace,
it’s a miracle,
it’s a blessing…
We can only have hearts of gratitude because your love has triumphed once again.
LORD, we want to remain with you,
we want to remain attached to you, but we never stop giving you the worried looks that damage our relationships.
We are always astonished, shaken and surprised by things that happen to us, yet we keep receiving warnings from you.
We are not aware of our part as Christians.
There are many of us in the church who attend worship,
who live our lives every day.
But where do we live it, beloved?
In the darkness or in the light?
We are just restless children of God, we like what pleases our ears and our hearts.
When the words spoken sweeten our taste,
we jump up and shout,
sometimes we even make offerings…
but the question remains: are we aware of what is happening to us as Christians?
Brothers, the Lord came to take us out of captivity,
He paid the price so that we could wake up spiritually.
Let us stop flirting with darkness,
Let us stop going back into the pit into which the Lord took us,
Let’s stop dealing with people who deviously push us, with our complicity, to do the things of the world.
There are many things that are sleeping on us today.
The mobile phone is a means of communication,
that’s true, but the devil has also used it to keep us distracted,
to draw us away from our Lord.
This tool is a powerful channel that takes the place of Yaweh in our lives.
Not having Jesus in your life is as commendable as not having a telephone.
The mobile overwhelms us,
robs us of our intimacy with the Lord
keeps us asleep and prevents us from calling God, inviting him, greeting him, talking to him…
We concentrate our time talking on our phones and not a moment with our lover.
Ephesians, 5:14 – For this reason it is said, “Awake, you who are asleep, and rise from the dead, and Christ will enlighten you.
Pray to come out of the midst of those who sleep.
to rise from the dead means to get up again,
It means to lie down, get up and lie down again.
This is the voice of the Holy Spirit.
A personal, individual order, as with conversion.
Are we determined to obey today, right now?
This is a word of love, beloved.
Let us rise from the dead, and Christ will flood us with light!
Let us ask the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn within us and enlighten us, because we need direction in this darkness…
Hello everyone
Good day to you all

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