My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Laziness controls the church.
Believers don’t want to work with their hands to support themselves under the guise of serving God.
They like to cross their arms, sleep and take care of trivia.
If we are counted among these morons…
Please, let us wake up from the dead.
Let’s stop going round in circles,
Stop procrastinating,
Stop being careless, slow and inactive…
The Lord expects us to be diligent,
action and reaction…
If the Lord has asked us to do something, let us do it well and without delay.
If there is a sin to be eradicated, let’s work on it.
If there is a person to forgive, let’s do it.
If there’s a service to be done, let’s get on with it.
Let’s do these things today, not wait.
We need to have a burning desire to serve Jesus Christ.
It’s that eagerness to serve that we need to have.
And this is what the Lord calls Zeal.
What keeps us going.
So we must not be lukewarm but rather ebullient.
Our Jesus says no to inertia, to mobility.
We must also know that the Lord is not looking for spectators in the church,
he is tired of sympathisers,
he is looking for servants and disciples,
those who want to learn from him so that they can serve him.
Let’s ask ourselves if zeal for God can be found in our hearts?
Do we have zeal for God today? Do we have a consuming fire for him within?
Let’s stop being lax and talk about our Jesus, let’s share him.
Let’s stop waiting for people to pester us to know that we are children of God.
This zeal is a fire that burns within us and drives us to do things we would never have dared.
Romans, 12:11 – Be zealous, not lazy. Be fervent in spirit. Serve the Lord.
Pray for an unceasing fervor of spirit.
These are three magical pieces of advice that the Lord serves up to us in a free dish to bring us closer to him.
If we feel ready.
Let’s simply run to him.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you

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