My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Sleep is the weakness of many of us.
As soon as we touch our Bibles, even though we’ve just woken up, we’re quickly carried away by another nap.
We’re very motivated to go out partying or to get together for useless things, but we’re not carried away when we’re in a night of prayer.
It’s very serious what happens to us when we want to do God’s work; we are struck by discouragement,
we’d rather do something else than be in God’s presence.
Some are even embarrassed when we talk about the Word of God in the place where they meet for entertainment,
They choose to leave or to sleep.
It’s a choice for each of us to decide to let ourselves be tamed by tiredness, sometimes it’s the enemy who knocks us out in our important moments to prevent us from entering into glory, it’s just the flesh that we let get the better of us.
In all cases, God needs our approval to intervene.
He doesn’t interfere in things that don’t concern him if nobody else is involved.
So if we think we’re strong, let’s manage our palaver alone,
If we think we’re in control and that everything depends on us, that’s another way of looking at it,
If we also think that we are well-equipped to achieve our ends, that’s still fine for us, but the Lord’s warning is well underlined for this day.
Matthew, 24:43 – Know this, that if the master of the house knew in what hour of the night the thief should come, he would watch and not let his house be broken into.
Fast and pray that sleep should not have dominion over you.
So that no one is unaware…
We have all been warned…
When the time comes, there will be no room for complainers or whiners…
We all know…
This parable draws a comparison between the impresivable return of Jesus and the impresivable coming of the thief.
Thieves appear when we least expect them.
So our Saviour urges us to always be on the lookout, to always be ready.
But what does it mean to be ever watchful and ever ready?
Watching means living by faith, living in repentance, living in love and holiness.
Watching also means paying attention, taking care, watching, checking, guaranteeing…
Jesus could return at any moment.
So let’s always be ready.
Let’s try to live every day according to Christ’s commandments.
The Lord Jesus asks us to keep watch, because we must stay awake, clear-headed and not fall into the traps of the devil who is trying to turn us away from God.
Let us not be surprised by the coming of our Lord Jesus. Let us prepare ourselves now.
Let us remain vigilant, let us persevere in putting into practice the word of God and in serving God.
We will not be surprised when Christ comes.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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