My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

Here we are at the start of a new week, and the Lord has once again given us grace.
The grace of life,
the grace of his love,
the grace of his victory…
He never stops encouraging us not to mope,
It is possible for each of us to be restored,
It is possible for our story to flourish.
We live in a world of trials, and nothing should make us doubt God’s love,
nothing should separate us from the word of God.
It may seem difficult, but our God is faithful.
It may seem impossible, but our Lord walked on water.
The Bible clearly tells us that they will make war against us,
our enemies will rise up to challenge us,
our adversaries will create plots against us,
our rivals will unleash words of cursing on us, our opponents will conspire against us but God’s word also tells us that whatever they do will not defeat us because the Lord is with us to deliver us.
We are children of light and Yaweh has blessed us,
he has made us the head and not the tail,
we are in front and not behind,
he has rolled away the reproach of the curse from us,
he has allowed us to buy and eat without money and without paying for anything,
he has made his name known to us…
We are the apple of his eye, we are a chosen people…
That is why many have risen up to do us harm,
jealousy overwhelms them,
covetousness disturbs them,
wickedness absorbs them…
They want to control our lives,
they want to manipulate us,
they want to keep us in bondage,
they want to steal our wealth, but the Lord has risen up to help us,
he overthrew the chariots of our enemies,
he has broken their bows and struck terror into their eyes.
The Lord has turned every curse into a blessing,
he has crowned the redeemed of Zion,
he has girded us with strength.
Isaiah, 29:10 – For the LORD has poured out on you the spirit of sleep; he has closed your eyes (the prophets), he has veiled your heads (the seers).
Pray that the Lord will close the eyes of those who wish you harm.
People with this spirit are constantly falling asleep.
He is controlled and controllable,
it no longer has any power to block destinies,
This spirit prevents our enemies from seeing and hearing the benefits and testimonies that the Lord has for us.
Let us pray that the eyes of the Goliaths in our families remain closed so that our connection with the Father is perfect.
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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