My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We bless the Lord for everything he does.
We are not aware of God’s faithfulness and grace in our lives, but we know, beloved, that our Jesus is and remains the foundation stone.
As long as we are attached to the Lord, his presence is manifest,
As long as we walk in the ways of the Lord, his blood illuminates our lives,
As long as his word is engraved in us, it is a lamp to our feet.
Let this book of the law not depart from our mouths; let us meditate on it night and day, so that we may act faithfully according to what is written.
It is then that we will be successful in our undertakings, it is then that we will succeed.
The Bible is full of all the instructions we need to live a life of integrity.
So on this day, the Lord forbids us to take advantage of situations to discredit my neighbour and expose him.
That’s what happened in the book of Samuel.
King David is on the run following a coup organised by his son Absalom.
While David was in a weak position on his way into exile, he came across Shimei, a man from Saul’s household.
Shimei, faced with a powerless king, expresses his long-suppressed hatred without restraint.
He cursed David and threw stones at him.
Schimeï throws stones at the man who is on the run and has been dismissed.
This is not very courageous behaviour.
When David was king, Shimei didn’t say anything, he was resentful but kept quiet.
Now that David is down, Shimei is throwing stones at him. Now that David has been abandoned by many, Shimei curses him.
Let us not indulge in such behaviour.
Let’s not throw the stones of slander or judgement at someone who is down.
Leviticus 19:13 – You shall not oppress your neighbour or take anything by force. You shall not withhold the wages of a hired servant until the morrow.
Pray not to take advantage of any situation or position.
The Bible forbids us to harm our brother. We must love him, not abuse him or tyrannise him…
We must be careful not to use our influence and social standing to keep others under a yoke.
Let’s not usurp what is not ours, and let’s keep our ways honest, even in our actions.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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