My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

If we remain honest, we can be sure that in due course our Lord, our Refuge, will bring us relief.
At this difficult time, when we are facing all kinds of trials, let us put our trust in God.
God always rewards those who remain honest.
Daniel and his friends refused to be defiled by the king’s food and wine.
Knowing that the king’s meal could draw them into a covenant and weaken them spiritually, Daniel and his friends decided to persuade the chief of the Enuchs to give them vegetables to eat and water to drink.
Naturally, everyone would be happy to enjoy and gorge themselves on the food the king eats.
But Daniel had realised that the king served other gods.
Everything that belonged to the king was dedicated to idols.
Daniel and his friends did not want to enter into communion with the demons and disobey God.
Their integrity is more important before the Lord than their lives.
How many young men live with as many convictions as he does?
How many are prepared to risk their education, their work so as not to disobey God and walk in righteousness?
How many refuse to give in and defile their bodies and minds when temptation comes?
Are our convictions and our love for God important enough to motivate us to resist? We need young men and women, teenagers like Daniel at the time, who resist and fight not to defile themselves sexually.
Through Daniel’s story, we need to understand that God can improve our relationships with others if we are righteous,
Daniel and his friends found favour with the king’s steward.
When we choose to serve the Lord like Daniel, God makes us strong and healthy,
If we stand up for the Lord, we will always win, we just have to imitate Daniel’s life.
Psalms, 41:13 – You have upheld me because of my integrity, And placed me in your presence forever.
Blessed be the Lord, who rewards every person of integrity.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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