My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Let’s not be a danger to our neighbours.
The Lord speaks to us of love at every turn, so it is up to us to be careful not to be counted among those who harm and crush the development of others.
Laban, Jacob’s uncle, was not a man of integrity,
he did everything to exploit the grace his nephew had to make a name for himself and be prosperous.
Laban didn’t mind keeping his relative in bondage and oppression.
All he cared about was his own interest and wealth.
Laban watched Jacob for twenty years.
He saw his goodness and his faith. He heard him speak of his God.
He observed his good work and honest conduct.
He enjoyed the benefits God gave him because of Jacob.
One of the things Jacob learned during his twenty years with Laban was to trust God with his whole life.
He had no resources.
He was on the run and could not return home.
His host, who was dishonest and manipulative, had control over him.
Faced with this, Jacob was forced to entrust his entire life,
his possessions,
his marriage and his journey home to God.
In the end, he even trusted God to provide for the growth of his flock, and God rewarded his unstinting faith with great abundance.
We must also trust God with our careers,
our holidays,
our health,
our hopes,
our spiritual lives.
In the end, Laban chose to remain in his pride,
his hypocrisy,
greed and superstition rather than believe the clear witness of God’s presence through Jacob’s life.
Ezekiel, 22:12 – With you gifts are received to shed blood: you demand interest and usury, and rob your neighbour by violence, and you forget me, says the Lord The LORD.
Pray that you will not be a danger to your neighbour.
Let us be loyal people, in whom there is no trace of falsehood and meanness.
Let us serve God and he will help us on our way.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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