My Month of Integrity! Ps119:1

Beloved, let us take care of our reputation and our integrity.
The way we walk and build our lives is the footprint we leave for others to judge us by.
To become honest is to let God influence us with his character, his personality, his nature.
Samuel was an honest man who did not engage in deceitful dealings.
He respected God’s work and did not abuse his power.
He had the heart of a servant.
Unlike his sons, who were completely corrupt.
They were driven by greed and the appetites of the flesh.
They despised the Lord’s offerings, disregarded the commandments concerning sacrifices and took what they wanted for themselves.
They abused their authority and position to force people to give them what was reserved for the Lord.
To crown it all, they slept with the women at the entrance to the tent of meeting.
Despite the behaviour of his sons, he invited the people of Israel to bear witness against him with a promise to return it.
To have integrity is to have the presence of God,
it means fearing God,
it means walking in his love…
Samuel refused to be perverted,
He chose to remain attached to the Lord.
But what about us?
What testimony do we have in our marriages, in the church?
Is there no one who can stand up against us with accusations,
claims and challenges?
Are we really walking with God?
1 Samuel, 12:4 – They said, “You have not oppressed us or treated us harshly, nor have you taken anything from anyone.
Fast and pray to act with integrity in all things and toward all people.
Abraham was challenged by the Lord.
At his age,
with his experience, God drew his attention to his perfection and his establishment.
God asks Abraham to grow up
to develop and mature.
The Lord does not want us to remain children in the faith.
Let us no longer speak like children,
let us not think like children,
our thinking must be renewed in the light of God’s word.
So let each of us reinvent ourselves to be judged worthy of the kingdom of God.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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