My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Throughout the month, the Lord has been talking to us about integrity.
If, despite his insistence, we have not understood anything about this subject
if we find it hard to let this value take root in our lives,
if we want to call it into existence in our daily lives,
if we want to see happiness and grace flourish,
if we hope to see the benefits of loyalty flourish,
if we want to sprinkle our lives with good deeds by practising generosity, if our ways are not those of God and our hearts are not pure,
we can still satisfy the Lord and tell him that we are ready to respect the last instruction we received,
we promise to walk in his ways and obey him.
The Lord does not waste his time doing us good, but above all he wants us to understand that we must depend on him and abandon ourselves into his hands.
Obeying the Lord does not mean pleasing him today and forgetting him tomorrow,
To obey the Lord is not to control him but to let him be master,
Obeying the Lord means accepting to lose so that the name of the Lord may be praised,
Obeying the Lord means going through brokenness in order to be humble,
Obeying the Lord means knowing that, against all odds,
he is the main rock, he is faithful in spite of the circumstances,
his presence by our side is unfailing,
his protection is perfect and his love is steadfast…
Ecclesiastes, 12:15 – Let’s listen to the end of the speech: Fear God and keep his commandments. This is what every man must do.
Pray to find pleasure in obeying the Lord.
This is the last word of the season,
It is the last rule to obey,
The last law of the month,
It is the last education to conclude our evolution,
It is the last and only address where we can rejoice.
Fearing God is the beginning of wisdom.
To obey his commandments is to submit to him.
And that is advice for all of us.
He is our God and we are his flock.
So Hail Hail
Good day to you

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