My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Let us feel honoured!
Feel loved!
Feel protected!
Feel chosen!
Feel preferred!
Feel celebrated!
Let us feel victorious!
Let’s stop looking at our difficulties, and let’s salute the Holy Spirit!
Let’s stop beating ourselves up and let’s bow down in praise!
Let us stop complaining and appreciate the greatness of his works!
Let’s stop worrying and recognise that God is incredibly amazing!
What have we done to deserve entering the end of the third quarter?
If we were to tally up our accolades and glories, are we sure we could have crossed a certain threshold?
Are we convinced that our requirements could have made our task easier?
Let’s remember that there is a factor with which God works, and it’s called grace.
God’s grace has located us,
God’s grace intervened on our behalf,
God’s grace has spoken for us,
God’s grace has worked for us.
It knows neither our colour nor our nationality, but when it falls upon us, what automatically follows is celebration, dignity and distinction.
So let us begin to bless the name of the Lord,
Let us lift up his holy name,
Let us acclaim him,
Let us dance in his honour…
Welcome to our new month!
Welcome to a new season!
Welcome to a new adventure with the Lord!
It’s back-to-school month,
This is our month of transition,
We’re in a month that symbolises childbirth, life, birth…
It’s a month when everything that was hidden germinates.
Where everything that was buried, develops.
When everything that was swallowed up is exposed.
When everything that had been stifled, kept back, blossoms…
*Welcome to our month of blossoming!
Isaiah 54:2 – Enlarge the space of your tent; let them spread out the coverings of your dwelling. Stretch out your cords, and strengthen your stakes.
In this month, all limitations are forbidden,
Every boundary marker is removed,
All stagnation is refused.
All timidity is overthrown…
This is a month of determination, boldness, courage, initiative, entrepreneurship, achievement and prosperity…
Change your mindset, dream big,
Dare to surpass ourselves…
It’s the season of great visions, challenges…
Each of us must expect God at every moment and trust him.
God wants to take us further.
He wants to allow us to enter into an ever greater intimacy with him, as a loving and caring Father.
He wants to enable us to grow more mature in Christ, to become more like him.
He wants to help us become more sensitive to the voice of his Spirit.
Enlarging our tents takes up a lot of space and a lot of energy, so let’s make our journey less cumbersome,
let’s get rid of everything that gets in our way and move forward with the Lord.
When we read the verse of the month, we immediately understand that it’s our responsibility.
Everyone has to take up their cross with God’s help in order to achieve fulfilment.
Yaweh will use what we have to enlarge and promote us.
What do we have?
That’s what the Lord will glory in.
So when God’s promises are so obvious, we must give thanks to the Lord who is faithful,
we must be grateful for his love that never ceases to reassure us,
We should praise him for who he is for us.
The goodness of the Lord is not followed by sorrow, what he has said will happen.
The Lord renews his favours every morning, and again this day he has done great things.
Father, receive all the honour that is due to you.
Proverbs, 10:22 – It is the blessing of the Lord that enriches, And he does not follow it with sorrow.
Celebrate the God of all blessings.
It is the word of God that opens the door to riches,
All our energies wasted on amassing wealth are useless if Jesus is not the author of that treasure.
A single word from the Lord changes a whole destiny and removes from us everything that could be a shadow.
So let us all return to the originality and authenticity that is our Jesus.
We wish each other a good month of witnessing under the control of the Holy Spirit.
May the Lord bless us!

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