My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

When David and his men arrived at Ziklag on the third day, the Amalekites had invaded the south and Ziklag. They had destroyed and burnt Ziklag,
and had taken captive the women and all the people who were there, both young and old. They didn`t kill anyone, but they took everything and set off again.
When David and his men came to the city, behold, it was burnt, and their wives, their sons, and their daughters were carried away captive.
So David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept until they could weep no more.
David’s two wives had been taken captive, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail of Carmel, Nabal’s wife.
David was greatly distressed, for the people were talking about stoning him to death, because they were all bitter in their souls, every one because of his sons and daughters. But David took heart in the Lord his God.
He said to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelech, “Bring me the ephod: Bring me the ephod. Abiathar brought the ephod to David.
David inquired of The LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And the LORD said to him, Pursue; for you will overtake and deliver.
God’s anointing on us enables us to do our job effectively.
When God’s power is manifested, things work.
David was devoted to the Lord, he knew that without God’s presence he would not be able to overcome the battles before him.
David knew he could count on the Lord and he was aware of his faithfulness.
For him, God would never abandon him, God would never forsake him.
Trusting in God was normal; he always needed the Lord’s agreement to do anything.
Because he was attached to the Lord, he was sure of his victories.
For the Psalmist, the Lord had to precede him for the evidence to be certain.
David had a royal anointing on his head, but this authority and power did not prevent him from submitting to and obeying spiritual principles.
David is the leader, he is the one who bears the anointing, he is the one who has received the gifts of the shepherd, so it is his responsibility to watch over the sheep.
The people were ready to revolt and stone him because he wasn’t at his post,
he let distraction control him,
he played with the anointing,
the oil on his head.
Many of us seek titles and positions because of our pride.
Like David, let our service and status not make us more important or better than others.
It is God’s spirit that repents in its own time and pace.
In David’s place, many of us would act in our own strength, relying on ourselves and our abilities to face the enemy and usually without consulting God.
In any case, the Lord speaks to us in Ecclesiastes, 9:8 – Let your clothes be white at all times, and let there be no lack of oil on your head.
Pray for a daily anointing of God.
The verse makes it clear that oil could be missing from the head of an anointed one.
Anointing is the supernatural power that comes from God and is made available to us for God’s service.
The white garment is the image of our character, and the oil on our heads is the image of the covering of power.
The white garment is the light of God that shines in us and envelops us,
it is our sanctification.
And the anointing is the strength, the spiritual energy we have received to walk on the waters.
Every day, we must let God transform our character so that the fire of God within us enables us to act like Christ.
So we are all invited to a certain intensity of God’s presence in our lives.
Hello home
Good day to you

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