My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Beloved, if we want to know the path the Lord is asking us to take,
if we want to be sure that we have made the right choice of the direction God has chosen for us, it’s simple, let’s turn on our spiritual GPS and let God guide us.
God has already mapped out a path for us,
in our hearts,
in our lives…
One thing is certain: our ways are not those of the Lord.
Sometimes we feel as if we’re treading water or going down the wrong path.
Sometimes we take shortcuts, get confused and turn around.
Let God be our guide.
In Exodus 13, when Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was the nearest; for God said: The people might repent when they saw the war and return to Egypt.
But God made the people turn aside by the way of the wilderness, towards the Red Sea. The children of Israel went up in arms out of the land of Egypt.
The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they might walk day and night.
The pillar of cloud did not withdraw from before the people by day, nor the pillar of fire by night.
Like the people of Israel, we too often doubt what the Lord is doing for us,
We only see obstacles that threaten our progress.
Even though the Red Sea is a route chosen by God to lead his people to the promised land,
we still complain and murmur about Israel.
God never makes a mistake in leading us down a path, we must learn to trust God’s guidance in all areas of our lives.
2 Samuel, 22:37 – You widen the way beneath my feet, and my feet shall not stumble.
Pray that your path will be paved only by the Lord.
Brothers and sisters, we must first take the first step so that the Lord can widen the path.
It is the Lord who paves the way to bring us into our inheritance, it is the Lord who facilitates the direction to create opportunities for us.
The Lord gives safety to our feet,
we shall never lose our balance,
we will never stumble,
our feet are safe with the Lord.
Why did he do this?
He widened our path so that we could see the obstacles and avoid them.
It has shed light on our steps,
he has lengthened and strengthened our serenity and confidence on our path.
So we don’t want to get lost,
just open up a corridor for each of us, give us the strength not to stray from it and above all allow our attachment to you to be permanent.
In the name of Jesus!
Hello group
Good day to you

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