My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

The church today suffers from an identity problem,
it no longer knows what it stands for,
it does everything according to the world’s way of thinking,
It embraces and tolerates levity in order to be accepted by men.
She has strayed from the Lord’s vision and now reigns in supersessionism.
The house of God is divided, independent, each wanting to prove that his anointing and calling are special.
God’s work is singular, but we fight for our own ideas,
We strive for heights and want to take God’s place.
We want him to stand up and act according to our convenience.
In our actions, God must serve us.
We are insensitive to God’s warnings, as if he disturbs us every time he draws our attention.
When a church is unfaithful to the Lord’s work,
whatever its position, its level,
its character,
the Lord cannot work with its members.
The Holy Spirit unites with those who walk humbly with him. When the word of God is slackened
there is sanctification,
The Bible tells us that God-fearing ministries will be recognised by their fruits, and in the book of Acts, the revelation of the word devoured hearts,
everyone was participating in the gospel for the glory of God,
no one had any problem selling their possessions to solve other people’s problems, because these people had also understood that God is their wealth.
Beloved, we are different from others.
Let’s stop pursuing the things of the world.
Let’s live the power of God in our lives by doing things for him and for others, without being afraid to take risks!
Let us live as this passage tells us:
1 Peter, 2:9 – Instead, you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for your own possession, so that you may proclaim the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light,
Pray for RMI
We belong to a special race, and it has nothing to do with the colour of our skin,
the social environment we come from,
or how many sins we have committed.
We are all called to stand in the presence of God, we are co-heirs with Jesus.
The Lord has appointed us for a specific mission and for that reason we must examine our lives and correct ourselves if we are to be witnesses to the glory of God.
We will be unable to proclaim and declare the word of God if we are not distinguished.
This is how we can distribute to others the evidence that the Lord has deposited in us.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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