My Month Of Delivrance! Rom10:13

We continue to say that everyone must seek deliverance.
Without shame, we must be souls free to serve Jesus with ease.
Churches are on the rise, praising God,
they are famous, but many houses of God are in a position of begging, slavery, positioning…
They are there to seduce rather than to let Jesus take their place.
Several shrines are claiming their authenticity,
always convincing souls not to listen to another man of God,
not to visit a sister church because they are afraid of losing members.
Everyone has developed a system of control,
They want to be sure that the worker doesn’t turn his head to the left or to the right.
The church has put its faithful to sleep in a cage that it alone manages.
The growth of the soul is no longer a priority and Christians, in the end, have no knowledge, just a system of thought, just religion.
Let’s face it, a ministry that builds without Jesus is in dire need of deliverance.
A ministry that struggles to evangelise has no roots,
A ministry that relies on the pockets of its workers does not yet know who its Jesus is,
A ministry that drinks elsewhere than in the word of God is crazy,
A ministry that tolerates sin, and teaches heresies is strongly gangrenous…
At all levels, we must watch over our foundations.
Money runs temples,
leaders are a function of their pockets and their influences.
Preaching focuses on Jesus glorified instead of Jesus crucified.
The work of the cross is trivialised for the benefit of the world.
And so the church is full of sick people,
patients who don’t know how to have intimacy with God,
they have simply put their lives, their destinies, their visions in the hands of the man of God whom they adore and worship.
In view of all this, don’t we believe that the church must call on God to be set free?
We’re not talking about lip service, but about surrendering ourselves into the Lord’s hands and trusting him completely.
So let us pray together for our ministries.
It’s time to be a church that fosters love, fellowship, forgiveness and sharing, just as in the early church.
Pray for the RMI
Psalms, 32:7 – You are a refuge for me; you keep me from trouble; you surround me with songs of deliverance. -Pause for a moment.
God is our refuge and our safety.
Join us in seeking deliverance, now is the time.
May the church acknowledge its sins and repent.
May the Lord’s forgiveness surround us with a cry of deliverance.
And that is how we will rejoice.
Lord, we trust you to deliver us from the attacks of the evil one.
We thank you for the deliverance you offer your church.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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