My Month Of Laughter! Es8:16

We have come here today to tell ourselves that, as children of God, we are joint heirs with Christ.
This means that prosperity is attached to us.
It’s just that we don’t know how to take possession of what’s ours.
The Bible tells us that Isaac dug wells, there were quarrels and disputes but that didn’t stop him from moving.
Isaac was filled with a spirit of peace,
Even though he was always challenged, the Lord gave him the opportunity to prosper.
Isaac did not lose heart,
he didn’t stop,
he trusted in the Lord.
He experienced the promise of success in the midst of barrenness.
The Lord is the one who multiplies,
we will have made efforts,
we will have worked hard but if we don’t have a relationship with the Lord,
if we don’t invite him into our activities
we can not only face opposition but also failure.
Joseph prospered in a strange land, with the altars of Egypt standing against him, with the pressures of the dark world, but the Lord was with him.
Joseph was attached to the Lord,
he knew how to submit and obey divine instructions.
In any case, on this day, the Lord wants us to remember that prosperity comes from him and nowhere else.
Deuteronomy, 30:9 – The Lord your God will make you prosper with all the work of your hands, the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your flocks and the fruit of your ground; for the Lord will again delight in your goodness, as he delighted in the goodness of your fathers,
The Lord delights in making you prosper.
The work of our hands is our business,
it is our activity,
it is our initiative.
It is Yaweh alone who opens the sluices of heaven to attract potential customers,
to give us the favour to keep stagnation at bay.
Not only will we succeed, but so will our children,
our heritage will be preserved,
our crops will be protected from locusts.
When we decide to return to the Lord’s feet, abandon sin, repent and walk according to God’s will,
he returns from his anger and fights for us.
The Lord puts his trust in us again and surrounds us with blessings, just as he did with our fathers.
So, brothers and sisters, it’s not too late. If we turn back from our wicked ways, the Lord will certainly give us the joy and peace we seek.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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