My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Our humility will be measured by our generosity, by the way our hearts are in our hands.
Humility is also the love and compassion we have for others.
Jesus is not our comrade, but every time we call on him
he always answers without judgement.
In Mark, 2:17 “When Jesus heard this, he said to them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
Jesus drew close to the sick,
He is aware that the needy abound on earth.
He does not reject those who suffer; on the contrary, he saves them and restores their spiritual health.
Jesus is sensitive to the suffering of others,
he always finds the gestures and words to soothe those who are afflicted,
He does not forget them, but is always ready to encourage them.
So if we call ourselves depressed, lost, aggressive, rejected, afflicted, sinners, sick… We are the needy and it is for us that the Lord came.
He is a spring that does not run dry,
He gives us the water of life to quench our thirst.
His spirit makes us new creatures, people who are built, equipped, capable of facing problems.
Bartimaeus was a beggar, a blind man wandering the streets.
He was not a child of God, he is the repsentation of who we are without Christ, polluted, useless, worthless.
Some people think that having the riches of the earth is security, but we have come to remind ourselves that without Jesus, we are no different from all those unhappy tramps.
The Bible tells us that Bartimaeus heard about the source of blessing, he heard about Jesus, he decided to change his life, he had had enough of begging, he no longer wanted the crumbs, he no longer wanted the lack,
He wanted another identity that only Jesus promises.
Bartimaeus understood that his time of deliverance had come, the time set for his restoration was at an end, he could not let his solution escape him.
Bartimaeus made the choice and gave a cry of despair, and Jesus had compassion and stopped.
How many times have we received people with miserable lives and looked down on them?
How many times have we belittled others because we found them to be in a weak position?
How many times have we let down souls who just need to hear the gospel?
The Lord asks us to be a source of blessing for others, and the first one in need is the one who does not have Jesus Christ, the one who is empty of God’s presence.
If we are still in this state of neglect, we must quickly take on the form that Jesus wants to give us.
Ezekiel, 16:49 – This was the iniquity of your sister Sodom. She had pride, she lived in abundance and carefree security, she and her daughters, and she did not support the hand of the poor and needy.
Be a source of blessing to the needy.
We just want to repent this morning, Lord.
We acted just like Sodom, pride turned us away from you, we were too focused on ourselves, possessions blinded us and we didn’t help the poor, we contributed to oppressing them, exploiting them and making slaves of them.
We implore your forgiveness, O Lord.
Teach us to share, give us a heart that loves and values others.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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