My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

If we do not want to be humiliated by the Lord, let us be humble and honest.
It is our pride that makes us think we can do everything anyhow,
It is our lack of humility that leads us to speak out of turn.
We must each know our place and honour the Lord.
It is the Lord who positions us,
He inspires us,
It is he who accompanies and directs us,
It is always the Lord who secures and strengthens us.
And as soon as we stop depending on God, we open the door to a fall, and many times David paid the price for his arrogance.
David coveted Uriah’s wife and got her pregnant.
David asked Joab, his army commander to arrange for Uriah to be killed in battle.
King David was an accomplice to murder, he plotted an assassination.
David thought he could do anything, his kingship, his stability, his success gave him delusions of grandeur to the point of boasting about it and letting Joab know that war is a matter of chance.
Few people know about this affair, Bathsheba became David’s wife and what David had done displeased the Lord.
The Lord will punish David with anger.
David was to experience bitterness, rebellion, disappointment, betrayal and misfortune…
This story will lead to painful experiences in David’s life.
The child that Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife, gave to David fell ill and died.
David was driven out of Jerusalem in a coup organised by his son Absalom, who at the same time slept with his father David’s wives in the eyes of all Israel.
Beloved, let us be careful not to be humiliated by our Lord.
Pride and arrogance are sins that God firmly rejects. Let us not allow ourselves to be led by this virus that besieges us.
Those who know their God will remain humble; it is humility that introduces us to fresh oil and gives us the strength to overcome the enemies of our lives.
Isaiah, 23:9 – The LORD of hosts has taken this resolution, to wound the pride of all that glitters, to humble all the great ones of the earth.
Pray that you will never be humiliated by the Eternal.
Every time we boast of our works and see ourselves as gods, we will be humbled by our pride.
Let us humble ourselves without delay.
When greatness is in our houses and glory is recognised, we believe that all power has been given to us.
To avoid falling into the destruction of pride, let us prostrate ourselves before the one who offers us everything we have.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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