My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

We are about to conclude our month of humility.
The Lord has done everything to make us understand what he expects of each of us.
He wants each of us to look in the mirror and dare to strip ourselves of every garment of pride.
No one can say that they carry no hint of this venom within them.
Pride manifests itself so insidiously that sometimes we don’t realise it.
Disobedience is pride, refusing to listen to the priest or pastor whom the Lord has placed there to serve him, is elevating ourselves to a place that is not our own.
This is what Deuteronomy 17:12 makes us understand.
Any reaction of domination that we have is a form of pride and is common in our daily lives.
Do we tend to dominate, to control?
Let us be aware that we are still under the yoke of pride and we must repent of it.
Quarrels are also an expression of our pride. We find ourselves in this situation because we want to be absolutely right, we want to justify ourselves and anger takes its place and breaks us.
One day *Mary and Aaron spoke against Moses concerning the Ethiopian woman whom he had taken; for he had taken an Ethiopian woman.
*They said, “Does the Lord speak only through Moses? They said, “Does the Lord speak only through Moses? Does he not speak also through us?
Pride makes us jealous, it makes us compare ourselves with our leader.
Aaron and Miriam were Moses’ elders who couldn’t bear to be under Moses’ shadow.
Pride loves the limelight.
Confidence in one’s possessions is pride; security and assurance in one’s possessions is arrogance.
True security is abiding in humility, in Christ Jesus.
Daniel, 5:20 – But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit hardened to arrogance, he was cast down from his royal throne and stripped of his glory;
Fast and pray to dominate over pride.
Pride strikes everyone, from the poorest to the richest.
It is the downfall of the powerful and the rulers of the world that attracts more of our attention.
When the Lord lifts us up, let us guard against pride and walk in humility because we will have to give account to him.
Pride had already controlled King Nebuchadnezzar, who had established for himself the right of death and life over his subjects as he saw fit.
He had even built himself a statue that was an idol to the point of wanting to take the place of God.
The Bible says that he died of worms.
Because of his arrogance, he had lost his throne and his life.
Beloved, if we do not break the power of pride within us, it will overpower us and burst us from the fullness of the Spirit.
So let’s just lie down at the Lord’s feet and beg for his mercy.
Greetings friends
Good day to you

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